On September 26th, Hurricane Ian swept across western Cuba, leaving destruction in its path. Because it later hit Florida, most people are not aware of the devastation in Pinar Del Rio and other cities in western Cuba.
Training will begin in October with CMA missionary Bill Landers teaching the Eight Core Values of Christian Leaders who Accelerate the spread of the Gospel. There also remains a desire and hunger for theological training among the pastors and church leaders on the island. We are praying and planning about a launch date to begin a new cycle of BTCP courses on the island.
We believe that God is not finished with CMA in Abaco due to the hunger and desire for training that is evident among the pastors and church leaders on the island. We are praying that God will raise up a missionary family to move to Abaco and lead the training ministry on the island.
He made “a way” around turned down Covid tests, “a way” around last minute food poisoning, “a way” around airport shuttles that did not show up, “a way” around immigration hold ups. Over and over, He showed His might and we could hardly wait to see all the new things He had planned for these 150+ women that would attend the conference.
CMA partners with Daystar Bible Church in Abaco to make a difference in the lives of families in their community.
CMA missionary, Carl Most shares what God is doing through His church in Cuba and how CMA’s training ministry continues to expand and grow throughout the island.
The way ministry is done at CMA has changed a good bit in the last few months. Due to travel restrictions as a result of the pandemic, we have also had to adjust the way we deliver our training.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life for everyone in significant ways all around the world. Although our training and team ministries have been impacted in major ways, I wanted to share with you how CMA is ministering to people during this crisis.
Our ministries in Abaco and Freeport have been greatly impacted by Hurricane Dorian. Many have asked about giving to the need. We have set up a HURRICANE RELIEF fund at CMA to accept donations for those affected by the storm. The needs are enormous.
Fresh perspective from CMA missionary, Carl Most as he shares what God is doing through His church in Cuba min spite of hardship and great need.